Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Social Studies Thematic Curriculum Design and Assessment Assignment

Social Studies Thematic Curriculum Design and Assessment - Assignment Example Therefore, it is essentially important to use a blend of resources including field trip to the environmental conservation agencies to help in gaining the real picture of what is actually taking place on the ground. At the same time, is also important to make a good use of resource persons in the teaching of this topic (United Nations Environment Programme and New Energy Finance Ltd., 2007). Last, but by no means the least, it is important to understand that every teaching and learning process ends with evaluation. So, a combination of formative and summative evaluations is carried out. When doing this, a combination of lower level, middle level and the higher level cognitive questions will be used. This will be of a great help in gauging the extent to which the lesson objectives are achieved. United Nations Environment Programme and New Energy Finance Ltd. (2007). Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2007: Analysis of Trends and Issues in the Financing of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in OECD and Developing

Monday, October 28, 2019

Theories of Crime Essay Example for Free

Theories of Crime Essay Why do people commit crime? This is relatively strong topic discussed by sociologists that believe criminal or deviant behaviors are not because of ones physical characteristic. This essay will mainly focus on the Functionalist and Conflict Theories of crime. Conflict theorist argue that deviance is deliberately chosen, and often political in nature, where as Functionalist theorist argue that deviance and crime is caused by structural tensions created by social structure. Functionalists argue that people commit crimes because there is something wrong with the society the individual is in, and that this is what causes the individual to commit crime. Crime is caused by the structure of society. Conflict theorists argue that the criminal makes a choice to commit a crime in response to inequalities of the capitalist system (Giddens, 2001). Subcultural functionalist, Albert Cohen, bases his research on the lower classes. Through his research Cohen found that the lower class adolescents were disadvantaged in respect to success in general life. Cohen believed that the lower class were disadvantaged before they even started to achieve. Cohen argued, majority of the lower class children, do not start at the same position as the middle class. Because of this situation, Cohen thought that lower classes children suffered from status frustration (Haralambos and Holborn, 2000). Due to this lower class childrens annoyance with their position within society, Cohen developed the theory that the lower class child would develop or form into a sub-culture where delinquent subculture takes its norms from the larger culture but turns them upside down (Haralambos and Holborn, 2000). Due to the subculture creating goals, by the delinquent, as unattainable within society, Cohen argued that this is a cause of deviance and crime. Basically, with Cohens theory, it is mostly based namely on lower class position. Unfortunately, this only recognises that the lower class has more of a greater possibility of becoming deviant in there behavior, and Cohen disregards crimes of higher class. Another suggestion Cohen makes is that all disadvantaged people will perform acts, of deviant, criminal nature to achieve their goals. An important to understand that this is not always the case. Some individuals choose to work hard within society and its laws to  gain legitimate success (Haralambos and Holborn, 2000). Sociologist Merton, another functionalist, developed the Strain Theory, which he updated from Sociologist Durkheim theory of anomie. Durkheim stated in the anomie theory that circumstances in which social norms are no longer clear and people are morally adrift (ODonnell, 1997). Merton then modified Durkeims statement by instead stating that term anomie is to describe the strain which occurs when individuals experience conflict between their pursuit of societies goals and the means society provides to achieve them (ODonnell, 1997). Merton mainly focuses on various acts which he believed may lead to acts of crime and deviance. Merton believed that there are various goals pushed by society and that surrounded by a set of means to obtain these goals example like hard work, education, and following the law. Merton says that everybody has the ability to achieve these goals, and then with that developed the five models of adapting to the strain. The four models Merton put forward are conformity, innovation, ritualism and rebellion. Conformity is when a person continues to accept goals and the means to obtain these goals even through failure is almost inevitable. Innovation,is the response when the individual accepts the goals set by society but rejects the means (to obtain these goals) set by society (Jones. P, 1996), also merton goes on to say the individual finds a replacement to societies means, this being an illegal act (ODonnell. M, 1997). The third in Mertons theory is ritualism, this is where the means and goals of society are adhered to but the individual has lost sight of the goals and has no interest in the outcome of his/her work (Sociological Inquiry, 2003). The fifth part of Mertons theory is rebellion where the individual rejects both the means and goals set by society, this is recognised as terrorists/radical political parties (P. Taylor , 2002). Cohen and Mertons theories are both that of a functionalists perspective. They both in turn believe crime is needed within society, to indicate there is a problem and in turn that problem can be resolved (Sociological Inquiry, 2003). On the other hand there is the interactionalists perspective on crime and deviance. There are similarities and differences between the functionalists and the conflict theiorists interpretation of why deviance and crime are committed. Stuart Hall is a conflict theorist, whom in 1972 studied the increasing problem of mugging. Hall believed that class position was irrelevant in respect of the victom (ref). He researched and discovered that muggers targeted people whom appeared to come from a similar background to themselves, instead than the poor class stealing from the lower class. Hall believed that the source of moral panic was not the underlying economic problem (Haralambos and Holborn, 2000). This opinion is in completely different to that of both Cohen and Merton who both identify class as a major factor in crime, and both based their theories on the lower classes. Hall is belief and research concluded that the individuals within society committing the crimes where individuals in society forced into crime due to the nature of the economic situation. Talking another theorists view, Marxist, Hall argues that it is As Hall takes a Marxist view on crime some sociologists argue that economic situation is the cause for crime and deviance which is unavoidable. However Halls study is based upon statistics which maintain no bias. Halls study, like that of Cohen and Mertons, focuses on class. But unlike others sociologists i.e. Cohen and Merton, it acknowledges that criminals can/do target individuals in similar social situations as themselves. Cohen and Mertons studies gave the impression that the lower classes select the upper classes and intentionally harm them. This study clearly states that anyone is liable to become a victim of crime and acknowledges the influence of the media on crime. Living in a world where the media has such a large influence upon people it is easy to see how many crimes are exaggerated on television and in the newspapers, the term moral panic used by Hall is a good description. Ian Taylor, Paul Walton and Jock Young, new criminologists with studies leading towards Marxist perspective, have developed the theory which they believe criminals and deviants choose to break the laws set by society and decline out of free will. And do believe are influenced by external factors. Taylors view, according to the free will theory, is This theory is completely different to the Functionalists theorists whom believe the opposite. the meaningful attempt by the actor to construct and develop his own self-perception (Haralambos and Holborn, 1991). The free will theory developed by new criminology This strand of new criminology does not acknowledge or support the link of why crimes and deviant acts are commited through theories like anomie, physiological perspectives and those which include the forming of a subculture. Taylor, Paul and Jock are in complete contrast to the functionalist opinions and actually see crime and deviance as actively struggling to alter capitalism (Giddens, 2001). They see crime, more often than not, as a deliberate act, with a political basis against the state. They have a liberal view on the capitalist society and its restrictions and would base much devotion on the freedom of a future society (M. Haralambos, M. Holborn, 2000). They believe that ethnic minorities, homosexuals and drug users should not be persecuted but accepted by society (M. Haralambos, M. Holborn, 1991). In conclusion this document discussed that functionalists and conflict theorists have opposing views in relation to the nature and cause of crime and deviance. It has discovered that functionalists see crime and deviance as a product of society. Unlike conflict theorists perceive crime and deviance as choice chosen by the criminal. The functionalists determine that the environment determines and influences the opportunities given to an individual. Individuals have choices in the way they interpret and act upon the opportunities society provides conflict theorists state. The theories present in this document help to form a larger picture looking into cause and affects of crime and deviance. REFERENCE LIST Giddens. A, (2001), _Sociology_, Polity Press, fourth Edition, UK Jones. P, (1996), _Studying Society Sociological Theories and Research Practices_, Collins Educational, London M. Haralambos, M. Holborn, (1991), _Sociology themes and perspectives_, Third edition, Harper Collins, London M. Haralambos, M. Holborn, (2000), _Sociology themes and perspectives_, Fifth edition, Harper Collins, London ODonnell. M, (1997), _Introduction to Sociology_, Fourth edition, Nelson, London P. Taylor, (2002), _Sociology in focus_, Causeway Press, UK Sociological Inquiry (2003), _Anomie and Strain: Context and Consequences of Mertons Theories_ (Vol. 73 Issue 4 Page 471 November 2003), viewed May 5, 2008.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Causes of Child Abuse :: Abuse Violence Children Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many causes on the various types of child abuse. Child abuse is when violence and cruelty occur against children. Eight percent of all children abused are emotionally maltreated. Sixteen percent are sexually abused. Twenty-seven percent are physically abused. Fifty-five percent of all children abused are neglected (â€Å"Child Abuse† 116). There are many types of abuse. Parental neglect or nutritional deprivation is the most common technique of abusing a child (â€Å"Child Abuse† 116). An example of this would be when a child is irregularly fed or kept in dirty clothes for a long period of time (â€Å"Child Abuse† 222). The second most common way of abusing a child is physical abuse (â€Å"Child Abuse† 116). Physical abuse is when a child is slapped, hit, kicked, shoved, or has objects thrown at them (â€Å"Child Abuse† 222). Another common way of abusing a child is sexual abuse (â€Å"Child Abuse† 116). Fondling, masturbation, intercourse, and pornography are a few of the things that are done to a child when they are abused sexually (â€Å"Child Abuse† 222). The last way to abuse a child is through emotional abuse (â€Å"Child Abuse† 116). When the abuser humiliates the child, reprimands them, or other acts that are carried out over time (â€Å"Child Abuse† 222).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Certain situations increase the risk of child abuse. These problems cause stress and tension which is sometimes expressed in neglect or violence toward a child. Many adults that abuse their children were abused as kids themselves. The parents are immature, unstable, lonely, and feel unloved (â€Å"Child Abuse† 222). They repeat what was done to them uncontrollably in violent outbursts. The abusive parents are unaware of any other way of acting. They may think that beating a child is normal. Sometimes the parents might also think that their children â€Å"deserve† to be abused, just as they â€Å"deserved† it when they were younger (â€Å" Child Abuse: Opposing Viewpoints† 108). This is one of the many causes of child abuse. Drug addiction also increases the chances of child abuse. The addiction to drugs makes parents less responsible. It also makes them more violent toward their children both physically and emotionally. All drug addicted parents attention is focused towards the drugs and as a result of that they pay less attention to their kids (â€Å"Child Abuse† 85-90).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Poverty is also a cause of child abuse. The parents can’t cope with the stress of poverty, which leaves the children to bear the brut of their parents’ frustration.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ecn 204 Final Exam Notes

Macro Final Exam Chapter 10: The Money Systems What assets are considered â€Å"Money†? What are the functions of money and the types of money? * W/o money, trade would require barter > Exchanging one good/service for another * unlikely occurrence that two people e/ have a good that other wants * 3 functions * Medium of exchange: an item buyers give to sellers when they want to purchase g/s * Unit of account: the yardstick ppl use to post prices & record debts * Store of value: an item ppl can use to transfer purchasing power from the present to the future * 2 kinds Commodity money: commodity with intrinsic value, i. e. gold coins * Fiat money: money w/o intrinsic value, used as money b/c of gov’t decree, i. e. dollar bills * Money in Can’n economy * Money supply (Money stock): the quantity of money available in the economy * Two assets should be considers: * Currency: the paper bills & coins in the hands of the general public * Demand deposits: balances in bank accounts that despositors can access on demand by writing a cheque/using debit card * Money Supply = currency + depositsWhat is the bank of Canada and its role? How do Banks create money? * Central Bank: an institution designed to regulate the money supply in the economy * Bank of Canada: the central bank of Canada * Established in 1935, nationalized in 1938, owned by Can’n gov’t * Managed by board of directors appointed by minister of Finance, composed of: governor, the senior deputy governor (7 yr terms), 12 directors (3 yr terms) * Four primary functions: * Issue currency, act as banker to commercial banks & Can’n gov’t, control money supply * Commercial Banks and Money Supply Although Bank of Canada alone is responsible for Canadian monetary policy, the central bank can control the supply of money only through its influence on the entire banking system * Commercial banks include credit unions, caisses populaires, and trust companies * Commercial banks can influence the quantity of demand deposits in economy and money supply * Reserves: cash that commercial banks hold * Fractional banking system > Keeps fraction of deposits as reserves, rest is loaned * Banks may hold more than this minimum amt if they choose * The reserve ratio, R Fraction of deposits that banks hold as reserves * Total reserves as % of total deposits * Bank T-account * T-account – simplified accounting statement that shows bank’s Assets & liabilities * Banks liabilities: deposits(what we put in the bank), Assets: Loans and reserves(What bank keeps) * R= Reserves/Deposits * Banks & money supply * $100 of currency is in circulation, determining impact on money supply: Calculate in 3 different cases * No banking system Public holds the $100 as currency; Money supply= $100 * 100% reserves banking system: banks hold 100% of deposits as reserves make no loans * MS = Currency (loans) + deposits = 0 +100 = 100 * Bank does not affect size of money supply * Fractional reserve banking system * R=10%: Reserves: 10, Loans: 90, Deposits: 100 * MS= $190 * When banks make loans > create money * Borrower gets: 90 in currency(asset), 90 in new debt/loan (liability) * Money Multiplier: The amt of money the banking system generates with each dollar of reserves * Money multiplier = 1/R R =10, 1/R = 10, 100 x 10 = 1000 * The Bank of Canada’s tools of Monetary Control * 1. Open-market operations * When it buys gov’t bonds from/ sells to the public * Foreign exchange market operations: when it buy/sells foreign currencies * MS increase when bank of Canada buys foreign currency with Canadian Currency; and decrease when BoC sells foreign currency * 2. Changing the overnight rate * Central banks act as bankers to commercial banks Bank rate : interest rate charged by bank of Canada on loans to the commercial banks * Since 1998 Bank of Canada as allowed commercial banks to borrow freely at the bank rate, paid commercial banks the bank rate , minus half percent, on their deposits at bank of Canada * Commercial banks never need to pay more than bank rate for short term loans, b/c they can always borrow from the Bank of Canada instead * Conversely, commercial banks never need to accept less than the bank rate, minus half a percent, when they make short-term loans, because they can always lend to the bank of Canada instead * Overnight rate: the interest rate on very short-term loans between commercial banks * Bank of Canada can alter the money supply by changing the bank rate, which in turn causes an equal change in overnight rate * A higher bank rate discourages commercial banks from borrowing from the Bank of Canada * A higher overnight rate discourages commercial banks from borrowing from other commercial banks * An increase in the overnight rate reduces the quantity of reserves in the banking system, which in turn reduces the money supply * Bank of Canada’s control of MS is not precise * Bank of Canada must wre stle w/ 2 problems that come from fractional-reserve banking * Does not control amt of money that: * Household choose to hold as deposits in banks * Commercial bankers choose to lend Chapter 11: Money Growth and Inflation How does the money supply affect the inflation & nominal interest rates? * Quantity theory of money: Price rises when gov’t prints too much money * Most economists believe the quantity theory is a good explanation of the long run behavior of inflation * Asserts that quantity of money determines value * 2 approaches: * Supply demand diagram MS determined by bank of Canada, banking system, consuers * In model, assume that BoC precisely controls MS & sets it at some fixed amt * MD (money demand) how much wealth ppl want to hold in liquid form * Depends on P: an increase in P reduces the value of money, so more money is required to buy goods & services * Thus: Quantity of money demanded is –vely related to the value of money +vely related to P, other thin gs equal (real income, interest rates, availability of ATMs) * * Results from Graph: Increasing MS causes P to rise * How does this work? Short version: * AT the initial P, an increase in MS causes excess supply of money * People get rid of their excess money by spending it on goods & services/ by loaning it to others who spent it * Result: increased demand of goods But supply of goods does not increase, so prices must rise * Other things happen in the short run, which we will study in later chapters) * Equation * Nominal Variables: are measured in monetary units * i. e. Nominal GDP, nominal interest rates (rate of return measured in $) nominal wage($ per/hour worked) * Real Variables: are measured in physical units * i. e. real GDP real interest rate (measured in output) real wage (measured in output) * Real vs. Nominal * Prices are normally measured in terms of money * Price of a compact disc: $15/cd * Price of a pepperoni pizza: $10/pizza A relative price: price of one good relat ive (divided by) another: * Relative price of CDs in terms of pizza: * Price of CD/Price of pizza = 15/10 = 1. 5 pizzas per cd * Relative prices are measured in physical units so they are real variables * Real vs. Nominal Wage * An important relative price is the real wage * W= nominal wage= price of labour $15/hr * P = price level = price of g&s $5/unit of output * Real wage is price of labour relative to price of output * W/P = 15/5 = 3 units output per hour * Classical theory of inflation: * Increase in overall level of prices * Over past 60 yrs, prices risen on avg of 4%/yr Deflation: people will wait for prices to drop on big ticketed items, dropped in the 20th century * In 1970s prices rose by 7%/yr * During 1990s, price rose at 2%/yr * Hyperinflation: extraordinary high rate * Quantity theory of money: explain long-run determinants of price lvl and inflation rate * Inflation is an economy-wide phenomenon that concerns the value of the economy’s medium of exchange * Whe n the overall price level rises, value of money falls * Inverse relationship b/w price & value of money * Value of money: * P = Price lvl (CPI/ GDP deflator) * P = price of basket of goods measured in money * 1/P is value of $1, measured in goods * Example: basket contains one candy bar, P = $2, Value of $1 is ? candy bar * The Classical Dichotomy Classical dichotomy: theoretical separation of nominal & real variables * Hume & the classical economists suggested that monetary developments affect nominal variables but not real variables * If the central bank doubles the MS, Hume & classical thinkers contend * All nom variables (including prices) will double * All real variables (Including relative prices) will remain unchanged * The neutrality of Money * Monetary neutrality: the proposition that changes in the MS do not affect real variables * Doubling money supply causes all nominal prices to double, what happens to relative prices? * Initially, relative price of cd in terms of pizza is * Price of cd/price of pizza = 15/10 = 1. pizzas per cd * After nominal prices double * 30/20 = 1. 5 pizza per cd * Relative price is unchanged * Monetary neutrality: proposition that changes in the MS do not affect real variables * Similarly, the real wage W/P remains unchanged, so†¦ * Quantity of labour supplied/demanded, total employment does not change * The same applies to employment of capital & other resources * Since employment of all resources in unchanged, total output is also unchanged by the MS * Most economists believe the classical dichotomy & neutrality of money describe the economy in the long run Does the money supply affect real variables like real GDP or the real interest rate? The velocity of Money: the rate at which money changes hands * Notation: * PxY = nominal GDP = price level x real GDP * M = money supply * V = velocity * Velocity formula: V = PXY/M * Pizza, Y = real GDP = 3000 pizzas, P= price of pizza = $10, P*Y = $30,0000, M = $10,000 * V=30,000 /10,000= 3, avg dollar was used in 3 transactions * Quantity Equation * M*V = P*Y * V = stable * So, a change in M causes nominal GDP (P*Y) to change by the same % * A change in M does not affect Y: money is neutral, Y is determined by tech & resources * So, P changes by the same % as P*Y and M * Rapid money supply growth causes rapid inflation How is inflation like a tax? Hyperinflation is generally defined as inflation exceeding 50%/month * Excessive growth in the MS always causes hyperinflation * Inflation tax: * When tax revenue is inadequate and ability to borrow is ltd, gov’t may print money to pay for its spending * Almost all hyperinflations start this way * The revenue from printing money is the inflation tax: printing money causes inflation, which is like a tax on everyone who holds money * The Fischer Effect * Rearrange definition of real interest rate: * Nominal interest rate = Inflation rate + real interest rate * Real interest rate is determined by saving & inve stment in the loanable funds market * MS growth determines inflation rate This equation shows how the nominal interest rate is determined * In long run, money is neutral, so a change in the money growth rate affects the inflation rate but not the real interest rate * So, nominal interest rate adjusts one-for-one with changes in the inflation rate * The inflation tax applies to people’s holdings of money, not their holdings of wreath * Fishcher effect: an increase in inflation causes an equal increase in the nominal interest rate, so the real interest rate is unchanged What are the costs of inflation? How serious are they? * The inflation fallacy: most ppl think inflation erodes real income * Inflation is a general increase in price of the things ppl buy & the things they sell (i. e. labour) * In long run, real incomes are determined by real variables, not inflation rate * Shoeleather costs: the resources wasted when inflation encourages ppl to reduce their money holdings * In cludes the time & transactions costs of more frequent bank withdrawals * Menu costs: the costs of changing prices Printing new menus, mailing new catalogs * Misallocation of resources from relative-price variability: Firms don’t all raise prices @ the same time, so relative prices can vary which distorts the allocation of resources * Confusion & inconvenience: inflation changes the yardstick we use to measure transactions, complicates long-range planning & the comparison of dollar amts over time * Tax distortions: inflation makes nominal income grow faster than real income, taxes are based on nominal income, & some are not adjusted for inflation, so†¦ inflation causes ppl to pay more taxes even when their real incomes don’t increase * Arbitrary redistributions of wealth Higher-than-expected inflation transfers purchasing power from creditors to debtors: debtors get to repay their debt w/ dollars that aren’t worth as much * Lower-than-expected inflation tran sfers purchasing power from debtors to creditors * High inflation is more variable & less predictable than low inflation * So, these arbitrary redistributions are frequent when inflation is high * Costs are high for economies experiencing hyperinflation * For economies w/ low inflation ( 0, â€Å"Capital outflow†, domestic purchases of foreign assets exceed foreign purchases of domestic assets * Capital is flowing out of country * When NCO < 0, â€Å"Capital inflow†, foreign purchases of domestic assets exceed domestic purchases of foreign assets * Capital is flowing into the country * Variables that Influence NCO * Real interest rates paid on foreign assets or domestic assets * Perceived risks of holding foreign assets * Gov’t policies affecting foreign ownership of domestic assets * The equality of NX & NCO * An accounting identity: NCO = NX * Arises b/c every transactions that affects NX also affects NCO by the same amt (And vice versa) * When a foreigner pur chases a good from Canada, * Can’n exports & NX increase The foreigner pay w/ currency or assets, so the Can’n acquires some foreign assets, causing NCO to rise * An accounting identity: NCO=NX * Arises b/c every transaction that affects NX also affects NCO the same amt ( & vice versa) * When a Can’n citizen buys foreign goods, * Can’n imports rise, NX falls * The Can’n buyer pays w/ Can’n dollars or assets, so the other country acquires Can’n assets, causing Can’n NCO to fall * Saving, Investment, & international Flows of Goods & Assets * Y = C + I + G + NX accounting identity * Y – C – G = I + NX rearranging terms * S = I + NX since S = Y – C – G * S = I + NCO since NX = NCO * When S > I, the excess loanable funds flow abroad in the form of positive net capital outflow, NCO >0 * When S e =P*/P implies that the nom exchange rate between 2 countries should equal the ratio of price lvls * If the 2 cou ntries have diff inflation rates, then e will change over time: * If inflation is higher in Mexico than in Canada, Then P* rises faster than P, so e rises – the dollar appreciates against the peso * If inflation is higher in Canada than in Japan, then P rises faster than P*, so e falls- the dollar depreciates against the yen * Limitations of PPP theory, why exchange rates do not always adjust to equalize prices across countries: * Many goods cannot easily be traded: * i. e. haircuts, going to movies * Price differences on such goods cannot be arbitraged away * Foreign, domestic goods not perfect substitutes: * i. e. some Can’n consumers prefer Toyatos over Chevys * Price differences reflect taste differences * Nonetheless, PPP works well in many cases, especially as an explanation of long-run trends * i. e.PPP implies: the greater a country’s inflation rate, the faster its currency should depreciate (relative to a low-inflation country like Canada) * Interest ra te determination in a small open economy w/ perfect Capital mobility * Why do interest rates in Canada & the U. S. tend to move up & down together? * Canada is a small open economy w/ perfect capital mobility * â€Å"small† = small part of the world economy * Canada is an economy w/ perfect capital mobility b/c * Can’ns have full access to world financial markets, * And the rest of the world has full access to the Can’n fin’l market * This means that the real interest rate in Canada should equal the real rate prevailing in the world U. S. r= r^w * Perfect Capital mobility: theory that real interest rate in Canada should equal that in the rest of the world is known as interest rate parity * Limitations: real interest rate in Canada is not always = to the real interest rate in the rest of the world b/c†¦ * Fin’l assets carry w/ them the possibility of default * Fin’l assets offered for sale in different Chapter 13: Macroeconomic theory of the open economy In an open economy, what determines the real interest rate? The real exchange rate? * Market of loanable Funds S=I + NCO * Supply of loanable funds = saving * A dollar of saving can be used to finance * The purchase of domestic capital * The purchase of foreign asset * So, demand for loanable funds=I + NCO * S depends +vely on the real interest rate, r * I depends –vely on r * Real interest rate, is the real return on domestic assets * A fall in r makes domestic assets less attractive relative to foreign assets * Can’ns purchase more foreign assets * Can’ns purchase fewer domestic assets * NCO rises * The supply & demand for loanable funds depend on the real interest rate * A higher real interest rate encourages ppl to save & raises the quantity of loanable funds supplied * The interest rate adjusts to bring the supply & demand for loanable funds into balance * At eq’m interest rate, the amt that ppl want to save exactly balances the des ired quantities of domestic investment & foreign investment * Loanable funds market diagram * R adjusts to balance supply & demand in the LF market * Both I & NCO depend –vely on r, so the D curve is downward-sloping * * In small open economy w/ perfect capital mobility, i. e. Canada, the domestic interest rate = world interst rate * As a result, the quantity of loanable funds made available by the savings of Can’ns does not have to equal the quantity of loanable funds demanded for domestic investment * The difference between these two amts is NCO * * How are the markets for loanable funds & foreign-currency exchange connected? The market for foreign-currency exchange exists b/c ppl want to trade w/ ppl in other countries, but they want to be paid in their own currency * 2 side of foreign-currency exchange market are represented by NCO & NX * NCO represents the imbalance between the purchases & sales of capital assets * NX represents the imbalance b/w exports & imports of goods & services * Another identity from preceding chapter: NCO = NX * In the market for foreign-currency exchange, * NX is the demand for dollars: foreigners need dollars to buy Can’n NX * NCO is the supply of dollars: Can’n residents provide/give dollars when they buy foreign assets * S=I + NCO > S – I =NX * What price balances the supply & demand in the market for foreign-currency exchange? * The real exchange rate (E) = e*P/P* The Can’n exchange rate(E) measures the quantity of foreign g/s that trade for one unit of Can’n g/s * E is the real value of a dollar in the market for foreign-currency exchange * The demand curve for dollars (NX) is downward sloping b/c a higher exchange rate makes domestic goods more expensive * The supply curve (NCO) is vertical b/c the quantity of dollars supplied for NCO is unrelated to the real exchange rate * Increase in E makes Can’n goods more expensive to foreigners, reduces foreign demand for Canâ⠂¬â„¢n goods & dollars, does not affect NCO/supply of dollars * The real E adjusts to balance the S & D for dollars * At Eq’m E, the demand for dollars to buy NX exactly balances the supply of dollars to be exchanged into foreign currency to buy assets abroad * Disentangling S&D When can’n resident buys imported goods does the transaction affect s/d in foreign exchange market? * The demand for dollars decrease * The increase in imports reduce NX which we think of as demand for dollars (NX= net demand for dollars) * When foreigner buys Can’n asset, does the transaction affect supply/ demand in the foreign exchange market * The supply of dollars falls * NCO = Net supply of dollars How do gov’t budget deficits affect exchange rate & trade balance? * The effects of a budget deficit * National saving falls * The real interest rate rises * Domestic investment & net capital outflow both fall * The real exchange rate appreciates * Net export fall (or the trade de ficit increases) * Eq’m in the Open Economy NCO is the variable that links these two markets: S = I + NCO, NCO =NX * In the market for loanable funds, supply comes from national saving & demand comes from domestic investment & NCO * In the market for foreign-currency exchange, suplly comes from NCO & demand comes from BX * * * Eq’m in the open economy * Prices in the loanable funds market & the foreign-currency exchange market adjust simultaneously to balance supply & demand in these two markets * As they, they determine the macroeconomic variables of national saving, domestic investment, NCO, and NX How do other policies or events affect the interest rate, exchange rate, and trade balance? The magnitude & variation in important macroeconomic variables depend on the following: * Increase in world interest rates * Gov’t budget deficits & surpluses * Trade policies * Political & economic stability * Three steps in using the model to analyze these events * Determin e which of the s/d curves e/ event effects * Determine which way the curves shift * Examine how these shifts alter the economy’s equilibrium * * * Increase in world interest rates * Events outside Canada that cause world interest rates to change can have important effects on the Can’n economy * In a small open economy w/ perfect mobility, an increase in the world interest rate†¦ * Crowds out domestic investment, * Cause NCO to increase & * Causes the dollar to depreciate * The effects of an increase in the gov’t budget deficit * * Gov’t budget deficits & surpluses * b/c a gov’t budget deficit represents negative public saving, it reduces national saving, and therefore reduces†¦ * the supply of loanable funds * NCO * The supply of Can’n dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchange * Trade Policy: is a gov’t policy that directly influences the quantity of goods @ services that a country imports/exports * Tariff: a tax o n imported goods * Imported quota: a limit on quantity of a good produces abroad and sold domestically * Initial impact is on imports – which affects NX NX are the sources of demand for dollars in the foreign-currency exchange market * Imports are reduced at any exchange rate, & NX will rise * This increases the demand for dollars in the foreign currency exchange market * * * There is no change in the market for loanable funds, and therefore, no change in NCO * B/c foreigners need dollars to buy Can’n NX, there is an increased demand for dollars in the market for foreign-currency * This leads to an appreciation of the real exchange rate * Effect of an import quota * An appreciation of the dollar in the foreign exchange market discourages exports * This offsets the initial increase in NX due to import quota * Trade policies do not affect the trade balance Political Instability & Capital Flight * Capital flight * Is large & sudden reduction in demand for assets located i n a country * Has its largest impact on the country from which the capital is fleeing, but it also affects other countries * If investors become concerned about the safety of their investments, capital can quickly leave an economy * Interest rates increase & the domestic currency depreciates * When investors around the world observed political problems in Mexico in 1994, they sold some of their Mexican assets and used the proceeds to by assets of the other countries * This increased Mexican NCO An increased demand for loanable funds in the loanable funds market leads the interest rate to increase * This increased the supply of pesos in the foreign-currency exchange market * * Chapter 14: Aggregate Demand & Supply What are economic fluctuations? What are their characteristics? * Over LR, Real GDP grows about 2%/yr on avg * In SR, GDP fluctuates around its trend * Recessions: falling real incomes & rising unemployment * Depressions: severe recessions (very rare) * SR economic fluctuat ions are often called business cycles * 3 facts about economic fluctuations * Are irregular & unpredictable * Most macro’c quantities fluctuate together * As output falls, unemployment rises Use mode of AD & AS to study fluctuations * Short run, changes in nominal variables (Ms or P) can affect real variables (Y/U-rate) How does the model aggregate demand & supply explain economic fluctuations? * Aggregate-demand curve – shows the quantity of goods & services that households, firms, & the gov’t want to buy @ each price level * Aggregate-supply curve- shows the quantity of goods & services that firms choose to produce and sell at each price level * Why does the aggregate-demand curve slope downward? What shifts the AD curve? * AD curve shows quantity of g/s demanded in the economy at any given P * Y=C+I+G+NX * Assume G fixed by gov’t policy Increase in P reduces the quantity of g/s demanded b/c: * The wealth effect (c falls) * The dollars ppl hold buy fewe r g/s so real wealth is lower * Ppl feel poorer * i. e. a stock market boom makes households feel wealthier, C rises, the AD curve shifts right; preferences: consumption, saving tradeoff; tax hikes/cuts * Interest rate effect (I falls) * Buying g/s requires more dollars * To get these dollars, ppl borrow more * Drives up interest rates * i. e. firms buy new computers; expectations, optimism/pessimism; Interest rates, monetary policy; investment tax credit/other tax incentives * The exchange rate effect (NX falls) * Real exchange rate= exP/P* Increase real exchange rate, Can’n exchange rate appreciates * Can’n exports more expensive to ppl abroad, imports cheaper to Can’n residents * i. e. booms/recessions in countries that buy our exports (recession in the U. S. ); appreciation/depreciation resulting from int’l speculation in foreign exchange market * Changes in G * Federal spending i. e defense; provincial & municipal spending i. e roads, schools What is the slope of the aggregate-supply curve in the short run? Long run? What shifts AS curve? * AS curve shows the total quantity of g/s firms produce & sell at any given P * Upward-sloping in short run * Vertical in long run Natural rate of output (Yn) us the amt of output the economy produces when unemployment is at its natural rate * Yn is also called potential output/full-employment output * Yn determined by the economy’s labour (L) capital (K), and natural resources(N), and on the lvl of tech(A) * Changes in L/Natural rate unemployment: immigration, Baby-boomers retire, gov’t policies reduce natural u-rate * Changes in K/H: Investment in factories, more ppl get college degrees, factories destroyed by a hurricane * Changes in natural resources(N): discovery of new mineral deposits, reduction in supply of imported oil, changing weather patterns that affect agricultural production * Changes in tech (A): productivity improvements from technological progress * An increase in P does not affect any of these, it does not affect Yn (Classical dichotomy) * Any even that changes any of the determinants of Yn will shift LRAS * i. e. immigration increases L, causing Yn to rise * Over the LR, tech progress shifts LRAS to the right & growth in the MS shifts AD to the right * Ongoing inflation & growth in output * The SRAs curves is upward sloping: * Over the period of 1-2 yrs, an increase in P causes an increase in quantity of g/s supplied * If AS is vertical, fluctuations in AD do ot cause fluctuations in output/employment * If AS slopes up, then shifts in AD do affect output & employment * Three theories: * Sticky wage theory, Imperfection- nominal wages are sticky in the short run, they adjust sluggishly, due to labour contracts; firms & workers set the nominal wage in advance based on Pe, the price lvl expected to prevail * If P>Pe, revenue is higher, but labour cost is not. Productions is more profitable, so firms increase output & employment * Hence, hi gh P causes higher Y, so the SRAS curve slopes upward * Sticky price theory, Imperfection- many prices are sticky in the short run: due to menu costs, the costs of adjusting prices, i. e. ost of printing new menus, the time required to change price tags * Firms set sticky prices in advance based on Pe * Suppose the BoC increases the MS unexpectedly, in LR P will rise * In SR, firms w/o menu costs can raise their P immediately * Firms w/ menu costs wait to raise prices, meantime , their prices are relatively low, which increase demand for their products, so they increase output & employment * Hence, higher P is associated w/ higher Y, so the SRAS curve slopes upward * Misperceptions- imperfection: firms may confuse changes in P with changes in the relative price of the products they sell, if P rises above Pe- a firm sees its price rise before realizing all prices are rising. The firms may believe its relative price is rising & may increase output & employment, * An increase in P can cause an increase in Y, making the SRAS curve upward-sloping * What 3 theories have in common: Y deviates from Yn, when P deviates from Pe * Y(Output) = Yn + a(P-Pe) * Yn-Natural rate of output (LR) * a>0, measures how much Y responds to unexpected changes in P * P, actually price lvl; Pe, expected price lvl * SRAS & LRAS The imperfections in these theories are temp, over time†¦ * Sticky wages & prices become flexible * Misperceptions are corrected * In LR†¦ * Pe = P, Y=Yn, AS is vertical * Unemployment is at its natural rate * Why the SRAS curve might shift * Everything that shifts LRAS shifts SRAS too * Also, Pe shifts SRAS: * If Pe rises, workers & firms set higher wages * At e/ P production is less profitable, Y falls, SRAS shifts left * * Economic fluctuations * Caused by events that shift the AD/AS curves * 4 steps to analyzing economic fluctuations: * Determine whether the event shifts AD & AS * Determine whether curve shifts left/right Use AD-AS diagram to see how the shift changes Y & P in the short run * Use AD-AS diagram to see how economy moves from new SR eq’m to new LR eq’m * I. e. Stock market crash : C falls, so AD shifts left; SR eq’m at B, P & Y lower, unemp higher; Over time Pe fals, SRAS shifts right, until LR eq’m at C, Y and unemp back at initial lvls * * i. e. oil prices rises: increases costs, shifts SRAS Left, SR eq’m at point B, P higher, Y lower, unemp higher; from A to B, stagflation: a period of falling output & rising prices; if policymakers do nothing: low employment causes wages to fall SRAS shifts right until LR eq’m at A, or policymakers could use fiscal/ monetary policy to increase Ad & accommodate AS shift: Y back to Yn, but P permanently higher

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Love in Kamala Das’s Poetry Essay

Love and sex in her poetry become a paradigm for fractured realities encountered by the poetess. Essentially she speaks for a woman who is in search of love. She challenges the very idea of phallocentric tradition and asserts in poem after poem that the subaltern can speak. Post colonialism consists primarily in the contestation of power structures and social hierarchies. For Kamala Das a woman’s predicament as a daughter , a wife, or a lover reflects a victimization in relationships. Kamala Das revolts against a constructed notion of relationship. Women are not the self-sacrficial model of virtue or promiscuity. The hitherto premises of male hegemony are violently shaken by Kamala Das who can defy the conventional ideological discourse of sexism and love. She herself became a victim of a young man’s carnal hunger . In ‘The Freaks’, a remarkable lyric which was published in Summer in Calcutta contains a picture of love that is full of dirt and filth as the man ensconced in sexual intercourse turned his ‘sun-stained / Cheek to me , his mouth , a dark /Cavern, where stalacities of /Uneven teeth gleam , his right / Hand on my knee, while our minds/ Are willed to race towards love ; / But they only wander, tripping / Idly over puddles of desire† . The focus on the ‘puddles of desire’ refers to her unfulfilled sexual desire as her heart remains ‘ an empty cistern’. Kamala Das describes in ‘The Freaks’a man and a woman persona are described as capriciously and whimsically behaving in unexpected manner. The poem celebrates the mood of transitory triumph over the defeat of love : My glass , like a bride’s Nervous smile , and meet My lips. Dear , forgive This moment’s lull in Wanting you, the blur In memory. Elsewhere in the poem Kamala Das describes the ambience : The April sun , squeezed Like an orange in My glass? I sip the Fire , I drink,and drink Again, I am drunk. We get a poignant verbal drama in the expression. The graphic details of drinking and the April heat. The poem focuses on the inborn passivity of the male partner and yet it ends with the assertion : â€Å"I am freak†. This is the identity crisis of an Indian woman who fails to flaunt ‘ a grand flamboyant lust’ in spite of the dissatisfaction. Here the poetess highlight the notion of vehemence and impetuosity with which the poet appropriates and internalizes the vocabulary for mapping out the terrain for the post colonial women in social terms. She secures the first significant step toward the explosion of the myth of male supremacy propagated by patriarchy. This is in itself automatically presupposes the awareness of a shared fate of injustice. In The subjection of Women John Stuart Mill argues that the principle of servitude in marriage is a monstrous antithesis to all the principles of the modern world. For Mill the most liberating aspect is that human beings are no longer born to their place in life. Kamala Das has shown and is very loud in violently showing that to be born as a woman is to lose the capacity to transcend that place in life already determined by patriarchy. Here Kamala Das decides to empower herself as a woman. In ‘Forest Fire’ the poetess minces no word in recording her innate desire to consume all sorts of experiences in this world: Of late I have begun to feel a hunger To take in with greed , like a forest-fire that Consumes , and, with each killing gains a wilder Brighter charm,all that comes my way. A little later the fury of passions gets the most of her : My eyes lick at you like flames , my nerves Consume. This is not a refusal to acknowledge the tenets of valorization in masculine terms. We encounter in these lines paradigms of transgressions in the discourse, the female playing the male role . The readers are more directly taken into a woman’s quest for identity when the poetess can say in ‘The Looking Glass’ : Getting a man to love you is easy Only be honest about your wants as Woman. Kamala Das does not describe how man loves a woman, she is more interested in telling how a woman can get the love of a man: Stand nude before the glass with him So that he sees himself the stronger one And believes it so, and you so much more Softer , younger, lovelier†¦. Admit your Admiration. This is not urge for female hegemony but the quest for identity in a female mind. Surrendering is an image in the poetry of Kamala Das : Gift him what makes you woman The woman here knows that she will be left alone if the lover forsakes her. A lustful woman rarely succeeds. Getting a man to love is easy but afterward without the man it is a living without life. Joan Chittister writes : In the end women like other minorities who have been taught their natural limitations by the dominant culture in which they live, turn their anger against themselves†¦They know that women can not do what men can do, and they resent and scold and criticize any woman who tries to do it. They become the instruments of the system, its perfect product, its most important achievement. 156) Simultaneously, in a poem like ‘My Grandmother’s House’ published in Summer in Calcutta , there is a note of nostalgia in the depiction of the care-free days of childhood : â€Å" There is a house now far away where once / I received love †¦. That woman died†. In this poem the poetess felt â€Å" My blood turned cold like the moon†. The moon is a romantic image. But Kamala Das used it so realistically to reveal her broken heart and lost love. Bedroom door is like ‘a brooding dog’. The poetess peers through ‘ blind eyes of windows’. The polyphonic text about identities with the autobiographical voice multiply itself into myriad selves. K. R. S Iyengar characterizes some of Kamala Das’s poems as ‘confessional’. Devinder Kohli calls her poems â€Å" candid and witty piece of self-revelation’ In the confession, Kamala Das poignantly tries to straddle both worlds – the secret world of her desire and the world defined by the male chauvinists. But she is left with no option but to conform to the stereotype of the sexual –patriarchal man even when it outlines a mandate of a society that loathes any challenge coming from the females. The poetess tries to negotiate sexual difference, but the importance lies rather in the way it showcases male chauvinism in a patriarchal ideology constructing patterns of fixated behaviours exalting them as normal. Individuals in this quest of identity socialized themselves into a locus of role specificity which in the case of a female disrupts the orientations. It is the crisis of the role that sustains the split between the role the character plays in Kamala Das’ poems. ‘Spoiling the Name’ presents effectively one of Kamala Das’ central insights, as Devinder Kohli points out , the commitment of her poetic self to experience. The sighs are ‘metallic’ , limbs are curled at the ‘touch of air’ (‘A Relationship’)and ‘nudity on sheets of weeklies’( ‘Loud Posters’ ). Kamala Das mocks her ‘feminine integrity’ ( Sarkar Jaydip:84) when she finds in a shamefully helpless situation as in ‘The Freaks’ with the lover whose mouth is a dark Cavern where stalacities of Uneven teeth gleam It is not that the subversion is apparent everywhere. Women also gravitate from aspiring to be transgressive social agents to artitculating their muted histories, finally pointing up the truth that they were forced to suppress. In the poem ‘Love’ there is a ‘celebration of happiness and contentment in love â€Å" My life lies, content / in you† (Sarkar Jaydip: 86). The poetess was committed to the sensual world , true, but in her life partner she tried to achieve the shared identity . She sought a life beautifying force of love which might be equated with physical relationship. Sterility and vacant ecstasy were all that Kamala Das abhorred and herein she had her disillusionment. Love that is extra marital was not Kamala Das’ angst , rather her inner self created for herself a tiny world in which the trauma of love and marriage were distant cries, hardly heard of. In the ‘Sunshine Cat’she depicted the picture of ‘a cold and half dead woman’ who was of no use to her. The cat might be her own feminine self as well. In ‘Winter’ , the celebration of sex was a theme,but it was more a desperate attempt of her soul for groping for roots in his body(Sarkar Jaydip: 85). As a singer of feminine sensibility she protests against restraints of society , and simultaneously she shakes off the rigid gender roles , determination triggered by situational factors. In 1948, Alfred Kinsey published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in which sexual orientation was placed on ‘a graduated continuum’ ( Kinsey: 638). Kinsey advocated a re-appraisal of the treatment meted out to queer beings by way of isolation and rehabilitation. The hypocrisy latent in marriage is due to societal pressures. In most occasions , the victims in such marriage of convenience is the wife, that Kamala herself was and who wanted to express the oppressive anguish of her own life. Thus on the one hand, the poems of Kamala Das are visualizations of her own pains, but at the same time they are the demeaning perceptions galvanizing the concomitant negativity into a motive for further exploration of female psyche. The fantastically confessional poem ‘The Old Playhouse’ reveals this agony of the mind of the poetess: It was not to gather Knowledge Of yet another man that I came to you but to Learn What I was and by learning to learn to grow †¦(K. S. Ramamurti:151) This is what we mean by ‘pathei mathos’,wisdom consisting in suffering, the poetess gradually learning to cope up with demands of the more realistic world and compromising with her dreams as the potential abilities of the human body got stunted by the sterility of the man she loved. We may safely surmise that the poems do not become an erotic world in spite of all the sexual replenishments for the starving soul of a woman. Nor the poems become an articulation of a muted feminine consciousness. Kamala Das exploded the stigma of vulnerability and gained a critical consciousness to stand up to the deforming norms of the conventional intercourses in marital life or love life,whatever it is. It was not in her capacity to reorder the chaotic world into a cosmos. At best she could suggest some therapeutic rehabilitation of a trauma-ridden woman who survives the psychological abuses, manipulation and a dreariness of emotional desert. The poems serve for such a starving soul as a rallying point. K. R. S. Iyengar rightly remarks : â€Å" Kamala Das is a fiercely feminine sensibility that dares without inhibitions to articulate that the hurts it has received in an insensitive largely man-made world. † ( Iyengar: 667) . Reading List Works cited Das Kamala , Summer in Calcutta, New Delhi: Everest Press, 1965. ———– The Old Playhouse and Other Poems. Madras: Orient Longman, 1973. ———– My Story , New Delhi, Sterling Publishers, , 1976. ————- Tonight , This Savage Rite: The Love Poems of Kamala Das & Pritish Nandy. New Delhi: Arnold- Heinemann (India) 1979. ————— Only the Soul Knows How to Sing. Kottayam: DC Books, 1996. Primary Sources . 1. Lal. P. Ed. Modern Indian Poetry in English : An Anthology and a Credo, Calcutta: Writer’s Workshop, 1969. 2. Kotoky, P. C. Indo English Poetry, Gauhati: Gauhati University, 1969. 3. James ,Vinson (ed. ) Contemporary Poets,New York: St. Martin Press,1975. 4. Abidi, S. Z . H. Studies in Indo Anglian Poetry, Bareilly: Prakash Book Depot, 1979. . Parthasarathi, R. Ed. Ten Twentieth –Century Indian Poets. New Delhi: OUP. 2nd Ed. 1980 6. Shahane, Vasant A. and Sivaram Krishna, M. (eds. ) Indian Poetry in English : A Critical Assessment . Delhi: Macmillan, 1980. 7. Rahman ,Anisur. Expressive Form in the Poetry of Kamala Das. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications, 1981. 8. Stella ,Samdahl. ‘South Asian Literature: A Linguistic Perspective’, A Meeting of Streams. (ed). M. G. Vassanji,,Toronto: TSAR,1985. 9. Chindhade ,Shirish. Five Indian English Poets , New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 1996. 10. De Souza , Eunice. Nine Indian Women Poets : An Anthology. Ne w Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press, 1997. 11. Mitapalli Rajeswar et. al. Kamala Das: A Critical Spectrum. New Delhi: Atlantic,2001. 12. Gokak, V. K. (ed. ) The Golden Treasury of Indo Anglian Poetry. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 2004. . Secondary Sources: 1. Kohli ,Devinder. Virgin Whiteness: The Poetry of Kamala Das. Calcutta: Writers Workshop, 1968. 2. K. R. S. Iyengar, Indian Writing in English , New Delhi Allied Publishers,1962; 2nd ed. , 1973. 3. King ,Bruce . Modern Poetry in English, Delhi, Oxford University Press. 1987. 4. Joan D. Chittister, Heart of Flesh: A Feminist Spirituality for Women and Men Cambridge and Ontario : WmB. Eerdsmans Publishing Company, 1998. 5. Alfred C. Kinsey et al. Sexual Behavior in lthe Human Male. Philadelphia: W. B Saunders: Bloomington, Indian U Press, 1948 2nd Ed. ,1998. 5. Banerjee,Benoy Kumar ; Bakshi, Kaustav. Studies in Indian Poetry in English, Kolkata: Books Way, 2008 6. Ahmed, Irshad Gulam , Kamala Das : The Poetic Pilgrimage. New Delhi: Creative Books,2005. 7. Ramamurti, K. S. Ed. Twenty-Five Indian Poets In English , Kolkata: Macmillan India Ltd. , 2008. 8. Sarkar ,Jaydip (ed. ) Kamala Das and Her Poetry , Kolkata: Books Way,2009. —————————- .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Most Beautiful College Campuses Check the List and Make Your Choice

Most Beautiful College Campuses Check the List and Make Your Choice What are the most beautiful college campuses? Well, there lots of beautiful institutions all over the world, and a whole bunch of them are located in the United States of America. Of course, not all of them are in California. In this article our experts have listed the most interesting colleges and universities and added few interesting facts about them. Continue reading to choose the best one. Place Your Order The List Most Beautiful College Campuses The list of the most beautiful college campuses was created by our experts. Of course, it is quite subjective but guess no one will argue those campuses are great. There are no acting schools on the list, for example, but still those are traditional institutions we all know. Check it out below. Indiana: University of Notre Dame This beautiful campus is located in Notre Dame, Indiana and was founded in 1842. Its building is a great example of strong and great architecture. Its golden dome on the top on the top of the main building is covered with a real gold leafs. Besides that the same gold is used to cover helmets of the local football team. Iowa: Grinnell College Iowa is the home for another beautiful college campus of Grinnell. It is located right between Des Moines and Iowa City. For many years this institution is one of the best in the USA in general. Kansas: Kansas State University Kansas is the state for university with a gorgeous building located in Manhattan. It was founded in 1863. The building looks like an old European house somewhere in England. Lots of people consider KSU Dairy Bar as the place where you can taste the best ice cream in the entire state. Kentucky: University of Louisville Old colonial buildings are always great for campuses and University of Louisville is not an exception. It was founded in 1798 and has lots of interesting facts in its history to proud of. For example, in these walls the first successful hand and artificial heart transplant were held. Louisiana: Louisiana State University Louisiana is not just the land of amazing nature but also this gorgeous campus. It is a real face of Creole culture. It is the part of Louisiana State University located in Baton Rouge and founded in 1853. Maine: Bowdoin College Maine is the home of Bowdoin College. Founded in 1794 Bowdoin is one of the best institutions in the area. Its mascot is a famous polar bear founded in honor of the first expedition to North Pole led by Robert Peary. Maryland: Johns Hopkins University The famous Johns Hopkins University is located in Maryland and was established in 1876. Unofficially it is considered to be the lacrosse capital of the USA. Besides that, there is a museum of lacrosse and National Hall of Fame located right in the JHU campus. Massachusetts: Williams College In 1793 in Williamstown Williams College was founded. It is, probably, the best college in New England. Lots of its students became famous and successful in various fields of knowledge. For example, there are seven Pulitzer Prize winners and even a president. Yes, James Garfield is the alumni of this college. Michigan: University of Michigan Originally founded in Chicago in 1817 University of Michigan was relocated to Ann Arbor 20 years later. It is one of the most popular universities in the country. The history and the list of alumni is more than impressive. Â   Missouri: Washington University in St. Louis Do you want to know what institution was the location for presidential and vice-presidential debates more than any other in the US? It is the famous WashU that was founded in 1853 in St. Louis. The very first television debate also was hosted here. Montana: Carroll College If you like rock climbing, you should definitely check Carroll College founded in 1909 in Helena, Montana. There is a special boulder wall where you can practice and improve your skills. Nebraska: Creighton University One of the most interesting scholarship programs is offered by Nebraska located Creighton University in Omaha. Founded in 1878 these days the institution offers a special scholarship for a student to become local mascot Billy Bluejay. An interesting offer to think about. And of course, you will study in of the most beautiful campuses in the US. Nevada: Sierra Nevada College Probably, the youngest institution on our list. Sierra Nevada College was founded in 1969 in Incline Village. This is the place where any person who loves nature will feel like at home. Absolutely amazing architecture mixes with environment perfectly. Besides it is really near the one and only Lake Tahoe. New Jersey: Princeton University Another legendary institution on our list. Princeton is the home for one of the most famous universities on the planet. Founded in 1746 it is also one of the oldest in the US. There is no need to talk about all the benefits of this institution unless you do not know about its gorgeous architecture. New Mexico: New Mexico State University The beautiful architecture of New Mexico is perfectly represented in New Mexico State University campus. This institution was founded in 1888 in Las Cruces. What is another great thing about this institution? It has a unique Chile Pepper Institute. It is the place where green chile sauce is taken so much seriously that it became a whole science. Professional Writing Help Bottom Line Yes, there are lots of interesting and gorgeous places to study at. But we should not forget that the most valuable thing is still the quality of studying. Our experts are graduates of various institutions but the level of their knowledge is so high they can deal with various academic tasks. In case you have any troubles with your writing, our professional writing team is to your service. Just feel free to call us anytime to order the best papers with on time delivery and reasonable price.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on EDI

Wouldn’t it be great to have a way of transferring documents computer-to-computer with totally unrelated companies in an electronic form that would cut down on paper usage? Guess what! We have it. EDI or Electronic Data Interchange has been around for quite sometime now. This electronic method of document transfer is quite amazing and has many benefits once it is implemented. How does EDI work? One credible source explains an example of an EDI transaction, as it would be for a purchase order in these seven steps: 1. The buyer’s production database includes data generated by the applications software. The application software may be a vendor-purchased package or custom-developed. The buyer enters order information, generating a purchase order on the computer. The order information then channels through a number of interface programs. 2. The interface programs perform edits and checks on the document and direct the order data in to predefined EDI interface files. The EDI interface files contain the order information in a form that can be read by the EDI translation software - a set of programs that translates or maps the interface file data into an electronic document formatted according to EDI standards. The electronic document (in this case, the purchase order) consists of a file (or files) that contains the order data in a predefined, recognizable format. 3. The communication software adds appropriate communications protocols (e.g., asynchronous or bisynchronous) to the EDI document in preparation for transmission over telephone lines. 4. Using a modem and telephone line, the buyer transmits the electronic standard purchase order to the supplier’s computer. 5. The communications software on the supplier’s computer interprets and/or converts the communications protocols to open the electronic document. The standard EDI purchase order is now in a recognizable format in a file or files and is now availab... Free Essays on EDI Free Essays on EDI Wouldn’t it be great to have a way of transferring documents computer-to-computer with totally unrelated companies in an electronic form that would cut down on paper usage? Guess what! We have it. EDI or Electronic Data Interchange has been around for quite sometime now. This electronic method of document transfer is quite amazing and has many benefits once it is implemented. How does EDI work? One credible source explains an example of an EDI transaction, as it would be for a purchase order in these seven steps: 1. The buyer’s production database includes data generated by the applications software. The application software may be a vendor-purchased package or custom-developed. The buyer enters order information, generating a purchase order on the computer. The order information then channels through a number of interface programs. 2. The interface programs perform edits and checks on the document and direct the order data in to predefined EDI interface files. The EDI interface files contain the order information in a form that can be read by the EDI translation software - a set of programs that translates or maps the interface file data into an electronic document formatted according to EDI standards. The electronic document (in this case, the purchase order) consists of a file (or files) that contains the order data in a predefined, recognizable format. 3. The communication software adds appropriate communications protocols (e.g., asynchronous or bisynchronous) to the EDI document in preparation for transmission over telephone lines. 4. Using a modem and telephone line, the buyer transmits the electronic standard purchase order to the supplier’s computer. 5. The communications software on the supplier’s computer interprets and/or converts the communications protocols to open the electronic document. The standard EDI purchase order is now in a recognizable format in a file or files and is now availab...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mexican Involvement in World War II

Mexican Involvement in World War II During World War II, Mexico played a significant role in the Allied effort. Everyone knows the World War II Allied Powers: the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand...and Mexico? Thats right, Mexico. In May 1942, the United States of Mexico declared war on the Axis alliance. They even saw some combat: a Mexican fighter squad fought valiantly in the South Pacific in 1945. But their importance to the Allied effort was much greater than a handful of pilots and airplanes. Significant Contributions It is unfortunate that Mexico’s significant contributions are often overlooked. Even before their official declaration of war- and despite the presence of important German interests in the country in the form of iron, hardware, chemicals, and pharmaceutical companies- Mexico closed its ports to  German ships  and submarines. Had they not, the effect on U.S. shipping might have been disastrous. Mexico’s industrial and mineral production was an important part of the U.S. effort, and the economic importance of the thousands of farmworkers manning the fields while the American men were away cannot be overstated. Also, let us not forget that while Mexico officially only saw a bit of aerial combat, thousands of Mexican  servicemen did fight, bleed, and die for the Allied cause, all the while wearing a uniform of the United States. Mexico in the 1930s In the 1930s, Mexico was a devastated land. The Mexican Revolution (1910–1920) had claimed hundreds of thousands of lives; as many more were displaced or saw their homes and cities destroyed. The Revolution was followed by the Cristero War (1926–1929), a series of violent uprisings against the new government. Just as the dust was beginning to settle, the Great Depression started and the Mexican economy suffered badly. Politically, the nation was unstable as Alvaro Obregà ³n, last of the great revolutionary warlords, continued to rule directly or indirectly until 1928. Life in Mexico did not start to improve until 1934 when the honest reformer Lzaro Crdenas del Rio took power. He cleaned up as much of the corruption as he could and made great strides toward re-establishing Mexico as a stable, productive nation. He kept Mexico decidedly neutral in the brewing conflict in Europe, even though agents from Germany and the United States continued to try to gain Mexican support. Crdenas nationalized Mexicos vast oil reserves and the property of foreign oil companies over the protests of the United States, but the U.S., seeing war on the horizon, was forced to accept it. The Opinions of Many Mexicans As the clouds of war darkened, many Mexicans wanted to join on one side or the other. Mexicos loud communist community first supported Germany while Germany and Russia had a pact, then supported the Allied cause once the Germans invaded Russia in 1941. There was a sizable community of Italian immigrants who supported entry in the war as an Axis power as well. Other Mexicans, disdainful of fascism, supported joining the Allied cause. The attitude of many Mexicans was colored by historical grievances with the U.S.: the loss of Texas and the American west, intervention during the revolution, and repeated incursions into Mexican territory caused a lot of resentment. Some Mexicans felt that the United States was not to be trusted. These Mexicans did not know what to think: some felt that they should join the Axis cause against their old antagonist, while others did not want to give the Americans an excuse to invade again and counseled strict neutrality. Manuel vila Camacho and Support for the U.S. In 1940, Mexico elected conservative PRI (Revolutionary Party) candidate Manuel vila Camacho. From the start of his term, vila decided to stick with the United States. While at first many of his fellow Mexicans disapproved of his support for their traditional foe to the north and railed against vila, when Germany invaded Russia, many Mexican communists began supporting their president. When Pearl Harbor was attacked in December 1941, Mexico was one of the first countries to pledge support and aid and it severed all diplomatic ties with the Axis powers. At a conference in Rio de Janeiro of Latin American foreign ministers in January 1942, the Mexican delegation convinced many other countries to follow suit and break ties with the Axis powers. Mexico saw immediate rewards for its support. U.S. capital flowed into Mexico, building factories for wartime needs. The U.S. purchased Mexican oil and sent technicians to quickly build up Mexican mining operations for much-needed metals like mercury, zinc, copper and more. The Mexican armed forces were built up with U.S. weapons and training. Loans were made to stabilize and boost industry and security. Benefits up North This invigorated partnership also paid great dividends for the United States of America. For the first time, an official, organized program for migrant farmworkers was developed and thousands of Mexican â€Å"braceros† (literally, â€Å"arms†) flowed north to harvest crops. Mexico produced important wartime goods such as textiles and construction materials. In addition, thousands of Mexicans- some estimates reach as high as a half-million- joined the U.S. armed forces and fought valiantly in Europe and the Pacific. Many were second or third generation and had grown up in the U.S., while others had been born in Mexico. Citizenship was automatically granted to veterans, and  thousands settled in their new homes after the war. Mexico Goes to War Mexico had been cool to Germany since the start of the war and hostile after Pearl Harbor. After German submarines began attacking Mexican merchant ships and oil tankers, Mexico formally declared war on the Axis powers in May 1942. The Mexican navy began actively engaging German vessels and Axis spies in the country were rounded up and arrested. Mexico began to plan to actively join in combat. Eventually, only the Mexican Air Force would see combat. Their pilots trained in the United States and by 1945 they were ready to fight in the Pacific. It was the first time that Mexican armed forces were deliberately prepared for overseas combat. The 201st Air Fighter Squadron, nicknamed the â€Å"Aztec Eagles,† was attached to the 58th fighter group of the United States Air Force and sent to the  Philippines  in March of 1945. The Squadron consisted of 300 men, 30 of whom were pilots for the 25 P-47 aircraft that comprised the unit. The squad saw a fair amount of action in the waning months of the war, mostly flying ground support for infantry operations. By all accounts, they fought bravely and flew skillfully, seamlessly integrating with the 58th. They only lost one pilot and aircraft in combat. Negative Effects in Mexico World War II was not a time of unmitigated goodwill and progress for Mexico. The economic boom was mostly enjoyed by the rich and the gap between the rich and the poor widened to levels unseen since the reign of  Porfirio Dà ­az. Inflation raged out of control, and lesser officials and functionaries of Mexico’s immense bureaucracy,  left out of the economic benefits of the wartime boom, increasingly turned to accepting petty bribes (â€Å"la  mordida,† or â€Å"the bite†) to fulfill their functions. Corruption was rampant at higher levels, too, as wartime contracts and the flow of U.S. dollars created irresistible opportunities for dishonest industrialists and politicians to overcharge for projects or skim from budgets. This new alliance had its doubters on both sides of the borders. Many Americans complained of the high costs of modernizing their neighbor to the south, and some populist Mexican politicians railed against the U.S. intervention- this time economic, not military. Legacy All in all, Mexico’s support of the United States and timely entry into the war would prove highly beneficial. Transportation, industry, agriculture, and the military all took great leaps forward. The economic boom also helped indirectly improve other services such as education and health care. Most of all, the war created and strengthened ties with the U.S. that have lasted to this day. Before the war, relations between the U.S. and Mexico were marked by wars, invasions, conflict, and intervention. For the first time, the two countries worked together against a common enemy and immediately saw the vast benefits of cooperation. Although relations between the North American neighbors have undergone some rough patches since the war, they have never again sunk to the disdain and hatred of the 19th century. Sources Herring, Hubert.  A History of Latin America From the Beginnings to the Present.  New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1962.Mathes, Michael. The Two Californias During World War II. California Historical Society Quarterly 44.4 (1965): 323-31.Niblo, Stephen R. Allied Policy toward Axis Interests in Mexico During World War II. Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 17.2 (2001): 351–73.Paz Salinas, Marà ­a Emilia. Strategy, Security, and Spies: Mexico and the U.S. as Allies in World War II. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bottled water consumption Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 11000 words

Bottled water consumption - Dissertation Example mental Issues associated with Bottled Water 17 2.3 Consumer Behaviour and Motivation 19 2.4 Perception 21 2.5 Decision Making 22 2.6 Conclusion 22 Chapter – III 25 3. Methodology 25 3.1 Research Design 25 3.2 Population and Sample 25 3.3 The questionnaire 26 3.4 Analysis tools employed 27 3.5 Conclusion 27 Chapter – IV 29 4. Results 29 4.1 Descriptive statistics 29 4.2 Findings 30 4.3 Conclusion & summary of findings 36 Chapter – V 39 5. Conclusions & Discussion 39 5.1 Implications 40 5.2 Limitations of the study 41 5.3 Recommendations for future research 41 5.4 Conclusion 42 References 43 Appendix 47 THE QUESTIONNAIRE ON BOTTLED WATER 47 Chapter – I 1. Introduction Technological development and the demand for healthy living have brought about innovation of water being bottled in a standard nutritional method for consumption: in the place of the known tap water. The huge research and development on the part of the water companies has resulted in bottled wa ter being termed to be distinct from ordinary water, also known as tap water. The result of this has been a massive change of attitudes of the consumers towards bottled water as 57.1% of all water sales are bottled water sales. This development has skyrocketed the price of this product bringing the question of whether bottled water is a luxury or a necessity considering the cost of government spending and individual expenses on it within the present economic climate of the United Kingdom (The Times 2008). The global market for bottled water is stable and growing (Durga 2010). A forecast of the global market for bottled water suggests that by 2012, it would assume a total market value of about $94.2 billion, which is a 41% increase since 2007 (Durga 2010). Figure 1 – Increasing Global Market Value of Bottled... This study suggest that respondents are aware of the pollutant effect of plastic water bottles, they do not entirely agree that this is enough reason to ban bottled water in the UK. However, in the event that bottled water would indeed be banned in the UK, respondents are willing to use a filter in order to make sure that although they will be consuming tap water, it will be cleaned from impurities. This strongly suggests that most consumers of bottled water are paranoid about the safety of tap water. The percentage of respondents concerned about the safety of tap water is considerably high in this study, which leads to the acceptance of the hypothesis that bottled water is preferred for health reasons. This is in agreement with the findings of Saylor, Prokopy and Amberg and Doria, Pidgeon and Hunter who deduced that the "perceived safety of bottled water" and the "perceived risks from tap water" are major contributors to the preference of bottled water over tap water. However, this study found that the perception that bottled water tastes better than tap water is not highly prevalent among bottled water consumers. A relationship was also observed between gender and buying behavior. Females in the under 25 years age group were found to be the highest consumers of bottled water. This finding is also in agreement with that of Saylor, Prokopy and Amberg. They suggest that women are more concerned with environmental health risks than men are, and this may explain the finding that women are larger consumers of bottled water.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The issues of the women's status in society in The Breadgivers by Essay

The issues of the women's status in society in The Breadgivers by Anzia Yerzierska - Essay Example As the mother, she gives protection to the divine reproductive force, male or female! In most of the societies, the ground reality is, a female child is victimized at every step of life, from the moment of birth, notwithstanding the fact that it is she who sacrifices at those interventions. This is the general backgrounder information about the life of the female, in societies all over the world. But in this modern materialistic era, the woman finds herself in complex situations. Alice Kessler-Harris, in her foreword to the book, â€Å"The Breadgivers,† points out, â€Å"Her woman’s voice found a universal audience in a generation that sought to locate its own identities more firmly and mined memoir and biography for the larger meaning of a materially laden world.†(xii) The problem is further aggravated for an ambitious woman. Harris continues, â€Å"†¦as the young woman yearning to find a place in the world; as the aspiring intellectual trying to figure ou t what to give back; as the isolated adult searching for community.†(xvii) To get uprooted from one country under forced and tragic circumstances and to establish from the scratch in a new country to find an identity is a tough asking. The â€Å"Breadgivers† by Anzia Yerzierska (1889-1970), a Polish Jewish immigrant, is the story about one such individual. Through her trials, tribulations, duty and beauty of life she tries to find out assiduously its real meaning. She confronts the normal challenges in the life of a woman and succeeds in finding the answer for the special challenges too. The important themes dealt with in the book are-- the perils of dependence, the pressure of family obligations and individual independence, and the evergreen theme of human life—the elusive happiness. These themes need to be understood from the perspectives of life of women of the era to which the author belonged. 2. Poverty is a curse and abject poverty on the verge of starvatio n is a double-tragedy for any family. The Smolinksy family is placed in the latter category. The daughters Bessie, Mashah and Fania are unemployed and Mashah is addicted to beauty-aids. Their father, Reb Smolinsky is engrossed in reading holy books and doesn’t work but faithfully does the work of a Jewish father—managing his daughter’s wages. Mrs. Smolinsky, with the onerous responsibility of managing the family, expresses her displeasure over the state of affairs. The situation improves as Sara begins to sell herring and other sisters find jobs. Mrs. Smolinsky rents out the second room of the apartment which helps to further consolidate the family budget. The cupid’s arrow strikes Bessie. The youth of her choice is Berel Berensterin. On invitation, he arrives for dinner one night. When the issue comes to the notice of Reb Smolinsky, he exercises his right on the wages of Bessie. In addition, he demands that Bessie must own the entire wedding expenses and finance him to set up business. Earlier Berel has indicated that he will marry without accepting any dowry. Berel is enraged at the unreasonable demand and counsels her to defy her father and marry him. She doesn’t dare and Berel is engaged to another girl, crushing Bessie’s spirit. The love entanglements of his two other daughters Marshah and Fania are also broken due to the obstinacy of Reb Smolkinsky and his rigid stand on issues. He arranges the marriages of all his three daughters that end up in failure and frustration for them. Sara watches all these

Militarism and Perpetual Peace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 5

Militarism and Perpetual Peace - Research Paper Example Militarism implies the allergic missions or many revolutions. It has the important and early manifestations of the life of most social orders. Class considerations would be necessary. Armament plays an important role in social struggles. Poor socio-economic status does not prevent a nation from securing arms. Economic evolution runs parallel with the development of arms (Liebeknecht, 2007). The expenditure on the making of the arms is growing higher due to the sophistication of weapons used. When the production of arms is universal, the manufacture of the guns has been accordingly changed. History has shown the significance in the power of the Greeks, Romans where the hierarchy was completely military. The influence of the external political situation on militarism was especially evident in the German Wars of Liberation (Liebeknecht, 2007). Militarism has been recognized as a significant factor in policy making since the nineteenth century (Meszaros, 2007). The evolution of modern imperialism was becoming evident on a global scale. The British and the French were having vast empires at that period of time and the United States were beginning invasions in Latin America. The Philippines was also involved in a liberations process assisted by the Americans. The First and the Second World Wars were caused by the ambitious Bismarck and Hitler who were running after more than what they could handle. The calamities were caused by the selfish intentions of two individuals and the techniques of using militarism for political solutions. What could have been solved by the deep-seated thinking without resorting to militarism was mishandled by the militaristic Viewpoints (Meszaros, 2007). The scale of issues became wide and the discussion was based on the militaristic power rather than the actual issues. There were horrific wars in the 12th century and the pattern continued into the form of the World Wars.  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Leadership - Essay Example It would be wise to say that a leader is not born but is developed by experience, knowledge and practice. A good leader is one who can motivate his followers spontaneously and lead them to the path of success in a smooth manner. According to (Curry) â€Å"It goes without saying that good leadership is crucial to any successful business. But, what makes a good leader and how can someone develop himself or herself into a good leader if they are not one to begin with? The answer is that there are many factors that contribute to a good leadership. And, whether someone is naturally a good leader or not, anyone can become a good leader†. A good leader is one who sets himself as a role model and example for next generation to look upon and get inspire to follow a successful path. The leadership quality is at times inherited, while sometimes it is cultivated by practice, experience and knowledge. Leadership is the process by which a person influences people around him to achieve a par ticular target or goal. A leader needs to make use of his best ability and power to bring about changes in the atmosphere he is working to get a desired result. However, there are different styles of leadership and as well different types of personality in leaders. Some people have gained popularity being a good King, and some as dictators; nonetheless, they all had the ambition to rule the world by any means. But, currently the leaderships which are in vogue are the authoritative leader, transformational leader, aristocratic leader and so on. Leadership where in the leaders has the quality of being innovative, authoritative, has visionary skills and goal oriented can be termed as transformational leader. Today the world has changed in to a global business arena and the emergence of numerous businesses corporate and international business chains have made business leaders to be demanding and evolutionary. The capacity to lead a team or organization is a very tedious task and it requ ires a lot of skill and ability to perform a task faultless and successfully. Being a leader requires an immensely high level of vision, creative thoughts and energy and one should be able to bring up aspiration and motivation in people around him. A good leadership is performed through a social influence where in number of people are spontaneously motivated to work according to the style of the specific leader. Steve Jobs is one such leader, who has changed the face of computer technology by his intense passion and love for electronic world. History and Background of Steve Jobs Steve Jobs is a renowned business magnate of America and also the CEO of Apple Incorporation. His official name is Steve Paul Jobs has much professional experience in business world before entering his own venture of selling personal computer. His venture was initiated in early 1970s, and later years progressed to become one of the famous and successful business the American business world .Jobs have previou sly held positions in Pixar Animation Studio as CEO, and also has been a board member of The Walt Disney Company before starting his own venture .He has also been the executive producer for the movie â€Å"Toy Story† in 1995 which can be counted as a worthy experience in movie business. It is a matter of credit that Steve with his other business associates designed and marketed first line of commercially successful

Leadership Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Leadership Philosophy - Essay Example In this regards they become well acquitted with the structural and functional components of the given organization. In a manufacturing industry, the manager may be involved in looking into the individual concerns of workers in a given department. Other than this, they can also study the working conditions as regards the environmental, social, psychological as well as the structural work set-up. Personal paradigm: This is the dimension that the leader considers when their values and beliefs. It focuses on the individual leader’s perspective on the entire organizational structure. In this sense it bears the self policies and guidelines that steer the institution towards success. They must know whether they are role models or have such competencies so as to achieve the highest organizational standards. Such questions like persistence and self motivation come about. In case of a company, there may be workers who have persistency in reporting late to work. The manager should contain them if that will best solve the concern. This dimension is what most often makes organizations have different performance records. The reason behind this is that if the leader lacks the focus and vigor, then the organization in question will also be in turmoil. Most often, when a leader in any given organization is on the forefront in advocating the organizational vision and mission that org anization will always lay a firm foundation. Moreover, it has also been confirmed that when such leaders shift to a new work place, they often set records or maintain them in the case of reputable organizations. Communication paradigm: This dimension generally is concerned with the ability of the leader to maintain a consistent flow of information in the organization by use of the right channels. The leader knows what should be in place as regards space and time. This allows for consistency amongst all workers in a given organization. Such questions that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Leadership - Essay Example It would be wise to say that a leader is not born but is developed by experience, knowledge and practice. A good leader is one who can motivate his followers spontaneously and lead them to the path of success in a smooth manner. According to (Curry) â€Å"It goes without saying that good leadership is crucial to any successful business. But, what makes a good leader and how can someone develop himself or herself into a good leader if they are not one to begin with? The answer is that there are many factors that contribute to a good leadership. And, whether someone is naturally a good leader or not, anyone can become a good leader†. A good leader is one who sets himself as a role model and example for next generation to look upon and get inspire to follow a successful path. The leadership quality is at times inherited, while sometimes it is cultivated by practice, experience and knowledge. Leadership is the process by which a person influences people around him to achieve a par ticular target or goal. A leader needs to make use of his best ability and power to bring about changes in the atmosphere he is working to get a desired result. However, there are different styles of leadership and as well different types of personality in leaders. Some people have gained popularity being a good King, and some as dictators; nonetheless, they all had the ambition to rule the world by any means. But, currently the leaderships which are in vogue are the authoritative leader, transformational leader, aristocratic leader and so on. Leadership where in the leaders has the quality of being innovative, authoritative, has visionary skills and goal oriented can be termed as transformational leader. Today the world has changed in to a global business arena and the emergence of numerous businesses corporate and international business chains have made business leaders to be demanding and evolutionary. The capacity to lead a team or organization is a very tedious task and it requ ires a lot of skill and ability to perform a task faultless and successfully. Being a leader requires an immensely high level of vision, creative thoughts and energy and one should be able to bring up aspiration and motivation in people around him. A good leadership is performed through a social influence where in number of people are spontaneously motivated to work according to the style of the specific leader. Steve Jobs is one such leader, who has changed the face of computer technology by his intense passion and love for electronic world. History and Background of Steve Jobs Steve Jobs is a renowned business magnate of America and also the CEO of Apple Incorporation. His official name is Steve Paul Jobs has much professional experience in business world before entering his own venture of selling personal computer. His venture was initiated in early 1970s, and later years progressed to become one of the famous and successful business the American business world .Jobs have previou sly held positions in Pixar Animation Studio as CEO, and also has been a board member of The Walt Disney Company before starting his own venture .He has also been the executive producer for the movie â€Å"Toy Story† in 1995 which can be counted as a worthy experience in movie business. It is a matter of credit that Steve with his other business associates designed and marketed first line of commercially successful

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Mental Illness and Substance Abuse - Essay Example On ingestion the THC is found to be absorbed into the blood stream from where it is carried to the brain, producing a high feeling. The THC molecules is found to affect a number of areas of brain, inclusive of the areas of control balance, perception of time, sound, color and as any other drug the Glucose craving. Psychosis on the other hand can be defined as a cluster of symptoms characterized by hallucination and impaired reality. Psychosis is often symptom associated with Schizophrenia. Cannabis used have shown to produce symptoms similar to psychotic disorder as Schizophrenia, when ingested at large amount. Mounting researchers have indicated that Cannabis found to trigger the onset of Schizophrenia or its relapse and also aggravates the symptoms. (Hambrecht, M. and Hafner,1996). The users of Cannabis experienced unpleasant effects on usage as anxiety and pain, while some may experience hallucinations. The unpleasant effects are found to disappear as cannabis wears off. But some people may have frightening experience as it withdraws. It is found that of 1 in 10 people who use cannabis are found to be addicted to it. It is worrying fact that usually it is the young people who get hooked to it and they smoke cannabis on daily basis. The early the age they are exposed, early is the onset of Psychotic symptoms. It is found to be still more severe in people with existing mental disorders as Schizophrenia or bipolar, where they undergo negative psychological effect on cannabis use. Researchers pouring in point to the direction that cannabis may be the gateway for many other drugs to enter in. Thus one point is established as, in persons having mental illness are for persons with known family history of mental illness, cannabis triggers adheres psychotic symptoms. (Imade and Ebie ,1991) Though the usage of cannabis is known from 1970s now it has become an issue of concern as more young people are found to be the smokers of cannabis. Most cannabis users started in very early teens, thus causing a psychological transition and misadventures on a young persons life. This issue of regular Cannabis use is found to be a menace in developed countries. This has really become a national crisis mainly for countries as Australia and New Zealand. The Government has taken wide range of steps from forming a forum, organizing discussion, releasing pamphlets, funding research to create an awareness about cannabis and its link to mental illness.( Jerrell and Ridgely,1995) So this essay tries to unravel the above facts by discussing and reviewing the articles published with this concern. The List of articles selected and the reason for the selection : 1. Cannabis use and mental health - facts - is an study based on Australian community with case study done among 2 age groups as adolescent and adults, aiming to pinpoint the majority groups age by which they start this habit. 2. Cannabis and psychosis - Information for health care workers - An research report done under the instruction and funding of Victorian government health information, by the state government of Victoria, Australia, tends to explore the relationship between the